My article was published in the Paged Out! #2

November 16, 2019

After I solved the picoCTF 2019 JavaScript Kiddie challenge I wrote about in my previous post, I thought it would be great to share this challenge with other people interested in the topic. It was one of the challenges with the lowest amount of solvers, as well.

I wrote a one-pager article for the Paged Out! #2 magazine. The hardest part was to keep my article short enough to fit it into one page. As a result, I wrote a new article from scratch instead of copying & pasting my original writeup - it allowed me to keep it short and easy to read. After the first round of feedback from the review board, I added minor changes, and the article was ready to be published. I enjoyed the whole publishing process and the responsiveness from the Paged Out! Team. It was smooth, and I can recommend it if you plan to write your own article.

You can read the whole magazine for free:

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